Saturday, January 18, 2014

 6th grade observation
                  I decided to help student teach at the elementary school down the street that my daughter goes to. She goes to Central elentary in Pleasant grovge. I went in and talked to the principle who introduced me to one of the 6th grade teachers Mr K. I cannot pernounse or spell his last name so we will just leave it at that. When I first walked into the classroom I wasn't sure what I would expect. I was a little nervous and intimidated with it bein 6th grade. I had a fear that they would be mean or wouldn't listen very well. When I got to the classroom he had informed me that they were testing. So he could talk to me one on one for a little bit before I observed hi teaching. I talked to the teacher about the types of things that they learn on a daily basis. Such as the tyoe of Math and spelling words they learn. I discovered that they are learning the same math I am now in my first year of College. Pretty embarrising but I figure I will learn it and be able to teach them by the time Im done with school.
                  He informed me that that morning for math he had the student interact with eachother by teaching eachother math problems. He felt that they learn better that way. They were learning inversion operation of fractions. When the students came in from testing I decided to sit in the back of the class to just observe. When he was talking to them he was extremely funny and made them laugh but he was also very serious, he wouldn't allow talking or fooling around while he was teaching or else he would have them write their name on the board. There was one student that kept just pushing his buttons. He would lift u his desk or, talk or just do thing he wasn't supposed to do and eventually just got sent to the office.
                   He made the class very interactive and fun and even sang to the student sat one point. He played a rap beat to the kids and the kids all rapped a song about math, to remember what to do in the sequence. It was very entertaining for me how the students just wanted to be there and get involved. After math he gave them a spelling test, which normally he has them learn the Greek and Latin root plus they had to spell it right and have the definition. I thought it seemed kind of hard for sixth graders. but overall they did pretty well. At the end of class he had them get into their group and practice chants. Whoever had the best chant/cheer won. I thought it was really cute and clever. All in all it was a lot of fun to see this class learn. It defiantly spikes up my interest to teach sixth grade.